Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad

About Placement Cell

About Placement & Training Cell

Training and Placement is an essential part of a developed and competitive institution, which is accepted as one of the most important department of pharmacy institution. Training & Placement Cell is having a team of committed experts who always come forward to impart invaluable suggestions for the betterment of the students. The Training & Placement Cell of College is well networked with Industries. It seeks guidance from the industry on regular basis and ensures requisite polishing of the students so that they can carve a niche in their professional career. The active placement cell prepares a strategy for its students for training and placement with the primary aim to find a suitable and lucrative job in reputed companies. The placement cell has an excellent placement record and most of the students have their careers started out well before they complete graduation.

The placement cell is committed to developing dynamism, strong human values, technocratic and good leadership qualities in all our students. The main function of this cell is to accomplish the basic needs of the corporate world. The T & P Cell provides not only placements but it gives emphasis to make the students ready to cope up with the current challenges of the Industry by making them aware about the recent market trends. Eminent experts from different Pharma industries are being invited on a regular basis who can share their experience and knowledge with the students. By this students not only get the knowledge but also get motivated towards the practical life and become aware about the Industry demands as well. We keep arranging the Educational tours and Industrial visits so that students can get the practical exposure of the working environment.

The placement cell aims at making students as the part of planning, formatting and executing the day-to-day activities of Training and Placement. This makes them a part of the procedural set-up, which goes a long way in building their responsible character and helps them to be good planners, confident individuals, promising leaders and better human beings. The placement cell will provide an opportunity to the best students to make their career in the pharmaceutical industry. It is our responsibility to coach the students to prepare for the interview with Multi National Pharmaceutical Companies.

Training and Placement Committee 2023-24

Sr. No.DesignationName of the person

Prof. Tejal R. Gandhi

Principal, Dept. of Pharmacology

2.Training and Placement Officer

Dr. Hardik B. Rana

Associate Professor, PG Coordinator of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology

3.Placement Executive

Mr. Devang B. Tandel
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
and QA

4.Faculty In-charge

Prof. Kalpana G. Patel

Vice Principal, PG coordinator  of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Regulatory affairs

Mr. Hitesh Raval
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Dr. Akshay Shah
Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology

5.Student Coordinators:

B. Pharm.: Vraj Agrawal

M. Pharm.: Patel Prima, Nirbhay Trivedi


Pre-Placement activities:

  • To disseminate the Rules and Regulation of Placement to students
  • To collect student placement interest for their career as well as placement support requirement survey among final year BPH and MPH students
  • To equip and enhance the employability skills among the students through organization of soft skill training sessions, Skill enhancement sessions, career guidance sessions etc.
  • To train the students for resume (Curriculum Vitae) writing through finishing school modules
  • Training and exposure to “How to face interview?” through mock interview
  • To prepare Placement brochure and distribute to the Pharma companies

In-line Placement activities

  • To collect and verify the resumes of aspirant students for recruitments
  • To approach pharmaceutical companies/ organization for arranging the on-campus or off-campus recruitment of students
  • To disseminate the information of any on-campus or off-campus job opportunities to Current students and BPH and MPH Alumni through What’s app or phone call throughout the year
  • To counsel the students to improve their career
  • To organize Job fair or On campus recruitment drive in final semester

Post-Placement activities:

  • To prepare and update database of placed students and their employer with contact details
  • To collect and record keeping of Appointment order/offer letter for BPH and MPH students
  • To collect the feedback from the employer and alumni students placed in the corporate.
  • To update On-campus and Off-campus placement record of BPH and MPH students along with CTC in regular basis
  • To provide Preplacement activities summary report as well as Placement record for PCI, GTU, AICTE, NBA, NAAC etc. as and when needed