Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad

Best oral presenter award at National Conference, Visnagar

    Best oral presenter award at National Conference, Visnagar

    It is a moment of pride for Ms. Kesha Patel, student of M. Pharm (QA), secured first prize in oral presentation for the research project entitled “Development and evaluation of Brinzolamide nanoparticles incorporated In situ gel” (GUJCOST funded Minor Research Project) co-authored by Dr. Purvi Shah, Dr. Kalpana Patel, Dr. Vaishali T. Thakkar, Dr. Tejal R. Gandhi, at SERB sponsored and APT supported two days National Conference on “Targeted Drug Delivery to tumors: Myths, Reality and Possibilities at Nootan Pharmacy College, Visnagar on 9th-10th March, 2017.