Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad

Co-Curricular Achievement

Pride for IPA Anand local branch

Afresh, a moment to be proud for, Anand Pharmacy College, IPA-Local branch award 2016 received by Anand local branch from Indian Pharmaceutical Association for making outstanding contribution and remarkable IPA activities in the society for their overall endeavors in upliftment of pharmacy profession on 17th Dec. 2016 during IPC at Visakhapatnam.

Pride for Pharmacology department

Ms. Navdha Vyas Secured First Prize in Oral Presentati on Title “Bile Acid Receptors Tgr5 And Fxr: Valuable Target For Metabolic Syndrome” Held At Diacon On 2-4 Dec 2016, Ahmedabad.

Pride for Pharmacology department

Ms. Nikita Parekh Won Prize in Poster Presentation Title “Pharmacological Inhibition Of Nox2 And 4 Oxidation Provides Renoprotection In Long Term Diabetic Nephropathy” At Diacon On 2-4 Dec 2016, Ahmedabad.

Dazzling star of Anand Pharmacy College!!!!!!!!!

Ms. Denisha Patel and Ms. Mital Patel Student of 2nd sem M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics Depart.) bagged first prize for PHARMA RECIPE competition in “PHARMAFEST-2017” organized by Parul University on 10th and 11th February, 2017.

Dazzling stars of Festa Farmaceutica – 2017

National Pharmacy Week was celebrated on the theme given by Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)-2016: “Pharmacist for healthy India, role in prevention and management of Diabetes” from 13th till 18th February 2017 at Anand Pharmacy College. During entire week various theme based events were organised as “Festa Farmaceutica – 2017. Second year B. Pharm. students, Ms. Vyas Srushti and Ms. Namrata Keste clinched their maiden Poster Presentation title. While the M. Pharm. Final year B. Pharm students Mr. Harsh Maru and Ms. Priyankaben Patel waved the magic of colors in the Rangoli. Ms. Jayvantika Raulji, Third year B.Pharm student had captured beautiful pictures of nature in Phonography. Even the judges couldn’t decide who was better in the Essay Competition and declared Ms. Mital Patel, First year M.Pharm as winner. Students of Final year B.Pharm- Mr. Malav Maniar & Mr. Prem Karia intellectually engaged by getting words to “stretch” their thinking in Pharma word competition. The quiz was entirely owned by the Final year B. Pharm. Students- Mr. Malav Maniar and Mr. Prem Karia. Mr. Prem Karia, Mr. Rohan Joshi, Ms. Priyankaben Patel- Final Year B. Pharm students showed the key responsibilities of a Medical Representative in Pharma Ad. Third Year B. Pharm. Krupa Patel, Krupa Prajapati, Monika Tetarwal, Priyanka Juneja proved their smartness and teamwork in the Treasure Hunt and didn’t let anyone else claim their richly deserved treasure.

Pride for Quality Assurance Department

It is a moment of pride for Ms. Hemangini Patel, student of M. Pharm (QA), secured Second prize in poster presentation for the research project entitled “Bioanalytical method development and validation for Metformin Hydrochloride and Alogliptin Benzoate and it’s pharmacokinetic application using AQBD approach” co-authored by Dr. Purvi Shah, Dr. Kalpana Patel at A Two Day National Seminar & Workshop “Optimization and Screening of Variables by DoE” held on 17th -18th March 2017, organized by Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara.

Pride for Pharmaceutics Department

It is a moment of pride for Ms. Khushboo Patel and Ms. Riddhi Shah, student of M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics), secured First and Second prize in poster presentation for the research project entitled “Development and optimization of Raloxifene loaded microemulsion for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women” and “Applicability of Taguchi design for optimization of biodegradable microparticle of Gemifloxacin for the treatment of resistant pneumonia” co-authored by Dr. Mukesh Gohel, Mr. Lalji Baldaniya and Dr. Vaishali Thakkar at a two day National Seminar & Workshop “Optimization and Screening of Variables by DoE” held on 17th -18th March 2017, organized by Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara.

Dazzling star of Anand Pharmacy College

Ms. Nidhi Khanduri Student of 2nd sem M.Pharm Quality Assurance Department bagged Third prize in “MY SELF MEDICINE” event in GTUTECHFEST-2017 organized by L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad on 31st March, 2017.

Dazzling stars of Apocalyspse -2017

Aditya Bhatt, Jheel Dholakia, Nipa Patel and Tofazzol Hossain, 3rd sem B.Pharm students, bagged runner’s up trophy in Pharma Ad competition in “Apocalypse – 2017”. Mr. Yagnesh Suthar, 5th sem. B.Pharm student, received runner’s up trophy in The Artsy Lens competition, in “Apocalypse – 2017” at KBIPER, Gandhinagar on 10th & 11th August, 2017.