Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad

National Youth Day Celebration by Wellness club under the aegis of student club APC & supported by AICTE-SPICES on 12th January 2022

    Wellness club under the aegis of student club of  ANAND PHARMACY COLLEGE  celebrated National Youth Day on occasion of birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda on January 12, 2022. Inauguration of Celebration was done in morning 10: 30 AM by felicitation of Swami Vivekananda Statue at Campus Gate. Honarble secretary of SRKSM Campus Smt. Jyotsnaben Patel, Principal of APC Dr. Tejal R. Gandhi and other staff members and students of APC were remain present in inauguration.

    Inspirational and motivational talk was organized at 12 to 1 PM on “The Character building message of Swami Vivekananda” which was delivered virtually by invited speakers Swami Medhajananda from Shri Ramkrishna Ashrama, Rajkot. This session was conducted on blended mode (online & offline). 195 Students and 5 Faculties were participated enthusiastically.

    Elocution competition was organized at 2 to 3 PM on “Youth for drug free world” and “Youth for Digital India” topics. Dr. Anu Mehta, I/C Principal & Associate professor, Anand Institute of PG studies in Arts, Anand and Dr. Mayur Parmar, Professor, HM Patel Institute of English training and research, VVnagar were invited as Judge. 6 students from various colleges were participated and Shiv Patel (6th Sem B. Pharm, Anand Pharmacy College, APC) secured first rank.

    The celebration was supported by AICTE-SPICES to promote ethics and moral value among students.