Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad


Programme Outcomes (POs) for B.Pharm

POs describe what students are expected to know or be able to do on completion of graduation programme. The POs of B. Pharm programme are:

  1. Acquire ability to apply knowledge of the core Pharmacy subjects like Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy along with computing abilities.
  2. Acquire ability to analyze a problem, identify, think and bring solution to that problem, which is accomplished through performing subject related practical
  3. Shall be able to plan the tasks and be able to finish them on deadlines along with skillful management of time, optimum utilization of resources available and proper execution and delegation of work.
  4. Shall be able to lead the team and work harmoniously at professional and personal fronts and shall be able to perform all the responsibilities of a good citizen in the interests of the health of human being.
  5. Shall prove his identity as a respectable professional whether he works for health care centre or drug dealer or educationist or manager etc. taking into consideration historical, financial, social and political issues.
  6. Shall practice the pharmacy by utilizing the knowledge gained taking into consideration the social, health, safety, legal and cultural needs.
  7. Shall use the pharmacy knowledge in sustaining and conserving the environment and the society
  8. Shall work ethically and shall take decisions responsibly.
  9. Shall serve the community and the society through effective two-way communication and shall involve in counselling whenever needed.
  10. Shall be able to use modern computing and other relevant tools, methods, procedures and resources at appropriate places.
  11. Shall always keep abreast of latest and recent trends pertinent to pharmacy knowledge and its current needs through obtaining feedbacks from concerned people and self-assessment and shall strive hard to attain them on continuing basis.



Program Outcomes (POs):

POs describe what students are expected to know or be able to do on completion of post- graduation program.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSOs are statements that describe what the graduates of a specific(branch) pharmacy program should be able to do.

POs and PSOs of M. Pharm (Pharmacology) Programme

PO1. To integrate pharmacy knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

PO2. To inculcate multidisciplinary research aptitude in pharmaceutical sciences and contribute effectively in the social health care system.

PO3. To    inculcate    highest    professional    and   ethical    standards,   leadership and      entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

PO4. To update knowledge by engaging in lifelong learning

PO5. To be able to create, select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern instruments and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex pharmaceutical activities with an understanding of the limitations

PO6. To apply advanced knowledge and practical skills required to analyze complex pharmaceutical problems critically and solve them after considering public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise

PO7. To become well-versed with theoretical aspects and practical skills of various advanced instrumental techniques for identification, characterization and identification of drugs.

PO8. To provide knowledge about research methodology, biostatistics and intellectual property rights for research project planning, presentation, publication and patents.

PSO1. To strengthen the basic knowledge in the field of pharmacology and to impart recent advances in the drugs used for the treatment of various diseases.

PSO2. To impart the knowledge on preclinical evaluation of drugs and recent experimental techniques in the drug discovery and development and make the student competent in regulatory toxicological evaluation.

PSO3. To impart fundamental knowledge on the structure and functions of cellular components and help to understand the interaction of these components with drugs

PSO4. To impart basic knowledge of principles of drug discovery process, clinical research and pharmacovigilance.

POs and PSOs of M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) Programme

PO1. To integrate pharmacy knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

PO2. To inculcate multidisciplinary research aptitude in pharmaceutical sciences and contribute effectively in the social health care system.

PO3.   To    inculcate    highest    professional    and   ethical    standards,   leadership    and entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

PO4. To update knowledge by engaging in lifelong learning

PO5. To be able to create, select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern instruments and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex pharmaceutical activities with an understanding of the limitations

PO6. To apply advanced knowledge and practical skills required to analyze complex pharmaceutical problems critically and solve them after considering public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise

PO7. To become well-versed with theoretical aspects and practical skills of various advanced instrumental techniques for identification, characterization and identification of drugs.

PO8. To provide knowledge about research methodology, biostatistics and intellectual property rights for research project planning, presentation, publication and patents.

PSO1. To impart knowledge on the area of advances in novel drug delivery systems

PSO2. To impart advanced knowledge and skills required to learn the concept of generic drug and their development, various regulatory filings in different countries, different phases of clinical trials and submitting regulatory documents

PSO3. To impart knowledge and skills necessary for dose calculations, dose adjustments and to apply principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics in practical problem solving.

PSO4. To impart knowledge and skills necessary for the fundamental need for cosmetic and cosmeceutical products.

POs and PSOs of M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Technology) Programme

PO1. To integrate pharmacy knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

PO2. To inculcate multidisciplinary research aptitude in pharmaceutical sciences and contribute effectively in the social health care system.

PO3.   To    inculcate    highest    professional    and   ethical    standards,   leadership    and entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

PO4. To update knowledge by engaging in lifelong learning

PO5. To be able to create, select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern instruments and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex pharmaceutical activities with an understanding of the limitations

PO6. To apply advanced knowledge and practical skills required to analyze complex pharmaceutical problems critically and solve them after considering public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise

PO7. To become well-versed with theoretical aspects and practical skills of various advanced instrumental techniques for identification, characterization and identification of drugs.

PO8. To provide knowledge about research methodology, biostatistics and intellectual property rights for research project planning, presentation, publication and patents.

PSO1. To impart knowledge on the area of advances in novel drug delivery systems.

PSO2. To impart advanced knowledge and skills about pharmaceutical formulation development, quality assurance, statistics, analytical method development, validation and product optimization process.

PSO3. To impart knowledge and skills necessary for dose calculations, dose adjustments and to apply principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics in practical problem solving.

PSO4. To impart advanced knowledge and skills required to learn the concept of generic drug and their development, various regulatory filings in different countries, different phases of clinical trials and submitting regulatory documents: filing process of IND, NDA and ANDA.

PSO5. To provide valuable insight behind implementation of QbD (Quality by Design) principles in modern pharmaceutical product development.

POs and PSOs of M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) Programme

PO1. To integrate pharmacy knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

PO2. To inculcate multidisciplinary research aptitude in pharmaceutical sciences and contribute effectively in the social health care system.

PO3.   To    inculcate    highest    professional    and   ethical    standards,   leadership    and entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

PO4. To update knowledge by engaging in lifelong learning

PO5. To be able to create, select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern instruments and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex pharmaceutical activities with an understanding of the limitations

PO6. To apply advanced knowledge and practical skills required to analyze complex pharmaceutical problems critically and solve them after considering public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise

PO7. To become well-versed with theoretical aspects and practical skills of various advanced instrumental techniques for identification, characterization and identification of drugs.

PO8. To provide knowledge about research methodology, biostatistics and intellectual property rights for research project planning, presentation, publication and patents.

PSO1. To impart knowledge on various aspects of quality control and quality assurance aspects of pharmaceutical industries like cGMP, QC tests, documentation, quality certifications, GLP and regulatory affairs and process for auditing in pharmaceutical industries for regulatory compliance.

PSO2. To impart fundamental knowledge and concepts about various quality management principles and systems utilized in the manufacturing industry along with validation and thus improve the quality of the pharmaceutical products.

PSO3. To understand the new product development process and the necessary information to transfer technology from R&D to actual manufacturing.

PSO4. To convey the knowledge necessary to understand issues related to different kinds of hazard and their management and ensure safety standards in pharmaceutical industry

PSO5. To impart knowledge and skills necessary to train the students with the industrial activities like QbD and PAT during Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.

POs and PSOs of M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs) Programme

PO1. To integrate pharmacy knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

PO2. To inculcate good analytical, judgmental and communication skill with organizational and project-based approach and contribute effectively for protection of public health.

PO3. To inculcate highest professional and ethical standards, leadership and entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

PO4. To update knowledge by engaging in lifelong learning

PO5. To be able to create, select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern IT tools to complex regulatory activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6. To apply advanced knowledge and practical skills required to analyze complex pharmaceutical regulatory problems critically and solve them after considering public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise

PO7. To provide knowledge about research methodology, biostatistics and intellectual property rights for research project planning, presentation, publication and patents.

PSO1. To impart fundamental knowledge on various Good Regulatory Practices viz., cGMP, GLP, GALP and GDP for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food & nutraceuticals, medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic medical devices and biological products and means of complying with them.

PSO2. To impart fundamental knowledge on documentation and general principles involved in regulatory writing and submission to agencies.

PSO3. To impart the fundamental knowledge on the clinical development process of drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics, biologicals & herbals, food & food supplements and nutraceuticals, regulations and guidance governing the conduct of clinical research in India, USA and EU along with WHO regulations, for manufacture, import & registration, export, sale, marketing authorization and intellectual property rights.

PSO4. To impart fundamental knowledge on regulatory requirements, licensing and registration, regulation on labelling of biologics, vaccines and blood products in India, USA and Europe.


The following programme outcomes reflect the terminal skills that all Pharm. D graduates should be able to demonstrate upon program completion, who pursue roles as practitioners, scientists, technologists, activists and entrepreneurs in local, national, and international settings.

  1. Technical Knowledge: Possess basic knowledge and comprehension of the core of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, biostatistics for drug therapy and human health.
  2. Practice Based Knowledge: Integrate & apply foundation knowledge of anatomy, pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacoeconomics, health behaviour, clinical research, health policy and legal issues in the practice of pharmacy.
  3. Patient Centric Care: Provide evidence based patient-centred care, population-based care and promote health and wellness among society. 
  4. Professional Skills: Provide pharmaceutical care and services with the optimal use of resources, which includes, but not limited to, cost-effective medication therapy management, drug therapy monitoring and vaccinations.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: Effectively utilize information, informatics and modern technology to enhance the pharmaceutical care services.
  6. Problem Solving & Decision making skills: Identify the problem, apply observational, analytical and critical thinking skills to develop, implement and evaluate solutions that solve real-world problems.
  7. Interpersonal & Communication Skills: Demonstrate effective interpersonal written and verbal skills to educate and collaborate with patients, families, the public as well as other health care providers as an individual or a team member.
  8. Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Envision new opportunities, ideas, strategies, and implementing plans to accomplish professional goals and enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities for value added services.
  9. Ethics & Professionalism: Exhibit professional ethics, attitudes and behaviours in compliance with regulations related to pharmacy practice while interacting with patients, healthcare providers and society.
  10. Pharmacist & Society: Recognize the values of different culture and health literacy to diminish disparities and inequities to provide culturally competent quality pharmaceutical care.
  11. Lifelong Learning: Demonstrate appropriate self-calibration skills and commitment to the lifelong learning needed to tackle future challenges.