Prestigious Award by IPA (Indian Pharmaceutical Association) ACG – SciTech Innovation in Solid Dosage Form

Research Project of M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics Department), Anand Pharmacy College has been selected for IPA-ACG SciTech Innovation Award in Solid dosage form development, for special recognition award in the year 2016. Award category: Best Innovative Development of a Solid Dosage Form of the year. The IPA-ACG SciTech Award consists of Memento and cash prize of Rs. 50,000/-. Title of the innovation: Novel use of emulsion form of binder for improving the quality and performance characteristic of finished dosage form. Research Team Members: Dr. Mukesh C. Gohel, Professor Mr. Mihir R. Patel, Research Scholar Mr. Lalji H. Baldaniya, Assistant Professor Dr. Vaishali Thakkar, Professor Dr. Tejal R. Gandhi, Professor