Accredited by NBA (B.Pharm Course - July 2014 to June 2022) | Accredited by NAAC Third cycle with A+ grade (CGPA 3.38) | Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) ,New Delhi | Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) ,Ahmedabad

Dr. Vaishali T. Thakkar

Dr. Vaishali T. Thakkar
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics), Ph.D
Dept. of Pharmaceutics
Contact Detail
Work Experience
Teaching :
22 Years
15 Years
Area of Research

Formulation and development, designing and implementation of various conventional, controlled and novel dosage forms such as Extended Release, Delayed Release, Pulsatile Drug Delivery System, Multi Particulate Drug Delivery System, Extended Release Suspension, Osmotic Drug Delivery Systems, Particle Coating and Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System.
Novel Drug Delivery System (oral, ocular, nasal and pulmonary and vaginal drug delivery system) application of QbD and DoE approach in formulation development and optimization novel and Hebel formulation

Research Publication
National :
International :
Book Publication
National :
International :
Outreach Contribution

As researcher always efforts had been made to work on s on prioritize disease management area of India like tuberculosis, malaria, diabetes, hypertension, women related diseases etc. They develop affordable formulations and rapid analysis method using science based approach.

Research Co-ordinator, SSIP Co-ordinator, • 32 lakhs rupees of research grants were received from the Department of Science and Technology, government of India, Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), Gujarat state government- and Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) for innovative projects., • Organized various CSIR, AICTE, SSIP, GUJCOST and ICMR sponsored seminars and workshops • Recipient of awards from Sustainable Technology and Institutions (SRISTI): Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award (GYTI)- 2013, 2014, Student innovation challenge award 3M- CII 2014, best research paper award from IDMA for research publication in Indian Drugs 2015 and SRISTI- BIRAC appreciation award 2016. • Total of 815 citations, H index 15 and I index -21 as per [Google scholar} • 15 patents Filed among them nine Patents published and two patent granted • Editorial Board Member of Current Chinese Science • Reviewer in journals of Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.