A library is a treasure of knowledge. At our college, the Library plays a vital role in the collection, development and dissemination of scientific and technical information to meet the present and future academic and research needs of all users. It includes a wide range of text books and reference books for different branches of Pharmacy and allied subjects. It also provides extensive access to National and International Scientific Research Journals and periodicals.
A well equipped Institutional Library houses more than 15,000 books (2911 titles) relevant to teaching, learning, training and research needs of the Institute. It also subscribes more than 35 printed International and National Journals and 393 e-Journals (Science direct and Bentham). Hence, students and faculty members themselves updated with the latest trends in the Pharmacy. Apart from this, the institute library possesses 195 educational CDs for UG and PG curriculum.
Infrastructure of library had been specially designed in such a way that increases reading efficiency & interest of students. User friendly library software called SOUL 2.0 (Inflibnet) has been adopted at the Library to make it fully automated. This popular software facilitates automated circulation (issue & return) of the books and location and availability information of the books stocked in the library. Web Opac Online Public Access Catalogue (WEBOPAC) is also available on the Internet for inquiring about the books.
Library Services
- Reading /Referencing
- Circulation
- Book-bank facility
- Photocopying
- Online Public Access Catalog OPAC (Computerized Information Search)
- Library Orientation Programs
- New Arrival List
- Newspaper Clipping